About us…

We are four friends who grew up together on the beautiful island of Guam. Given that Guam is a cultural and geographical crossroad of Asia, Pacific Islands and America, each of us grew up with a relatively different culture from each other. Jacky is Filipino but born and raised on Guam, Marissa is 3/4 Filipino and 1/4 Chamorro and lives in a family that has a cultural fusion of the two, Sue is Korean but born and raised on Guam, and Ivy is Taiwanese, born and raised in Taiwan until age 10 when her family moved to Guam in 2005. After graduating from high school together, we each moved to a different city for college. Jacky lives in Guam, Marissa lives in Virginia, Sue lives in Georgia, and Ivy lives in California. With diverse ethnic, cultural, geographic and linguistic background (as well as acquired humor and weird personalities), we have accumulated much joy, knowledge and laughter over the past decade through our daily/weekly/monthly exchange with one another.

The birth of this blog is a simple desire and attempt to remember our lives while we are together and while we live separately. These are the accumulation of our daily struggles and successes, ambitious aspirations and encouragements to one another. Welcome!

Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. Opinions expressed on this site are solely our own and do not express the views or opinions of our employers, universities, or any organizations.